wall painting commision -september (sandakan only)
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
i'm going home next month!! and i will be at home for the whole month!!! its going to be a year since i last time i went home.
i'm opening painting commision (especially mural painting) for my hometown! i hope able to paint few walls if possible . makes sdk a colorful place!!
by the way if u are interested and u are around sandakan sabah. pls click the photo above for more details!! :D
ppl always thought or expect me for an exact design before hand. but call me weird but frankly speaking i dont do an "exact" design on paper or photoshop first. usually i will do rough sketch on the layout and important element which need to be in the painting first; and explain the rough image on my head with some reference. (so the client have a better image and what to expect) after they agreed, i will "feel" the wall and let my brush paint all the way~ hahahaa.