photoshop tutorials for Jakuns
My sister wanted to learn photoshop for ages and finally got the photoshop installer her friends and she wanted me to teach her some moves. Basically i was not good in photoshop, but if i dont teach her, she will start to mumble about what a "good" sister am i and wonder what i've learnt in college. So yea, i thought her some basic to keep her mouth shut *grin*
Since she cant make up her mind what photo to use, i suggest a photo of her instead
Jakun(in red) and Chennie(my junior)
i taught her about the basic adjustment for the photos, and i introduce her some tools in the tool bar by using her face. make her mouth disappear, duplicate her eyes, make her "slimmer" and yadie yada, we laugh our heads off but my sister was soo speechless and not amazed because she turned to an alien
but she likes the the liquify tool.. see.. how happy she is
She started to get "high" when she use the liquify tool and the "make-my-hair-grow-longer" tool. ok i mean the clone stamping tool.
tada! her long pontianak hair and so called hourglass figure
dunno about u, but my sis like!
My sis was sooo proud of her 1st photoshop masterpiece
and her long hair..