Had fever for the past few days, i spent that good few days ..sleeping -.- so i only manage to finish the documentations for Mr Clifford's assignments last night.
I officially completed my interface design's assignments y'all =D
i've been waiting for this for a looong time
*hallelujah song playing, or i mean looping=P*
Remember my "always-isnt-working" braodband?
She's back in action
rite after i completed my ID assignment =D
*hallelujah song playing. again!!
This "cant-on9-during-critical-moment" happen all the time since i was sitting for my PMR, when i cant even connect to tm net during PMR period, and during SPM trial, my sreamyx router isnt working until i've complete my trial!!! and i always tot is my dad who is all behind this =/
n now, my beloved braodband..
weird... =/
should start my final assignment now =/
chop chop chop!!