Monday, July 27, 2009
When i flipped through the news headings in Sunday Star yst, i stunned for awhile n my head gone blank after get to know 1 of the talented person who i didn't expected went to heaven.
Yasmin Ahmand's death was so sudden.
She's the 1st (or the only?) director i look up to since i was in primary school.
"Sepet" was the 1st malay movie i really into and started to got crazy about malaysian and indon movie ever since.
usually a prirated dvd buyer myself, but i buy original dvds for her movies.
For the very 1st time, i get all emo and almost cried for a death of a famous person.
last but not least, those excitedly feeling when anticipating her advert during festive season i'll gonna miss=(
who like de !?